Land Use Planning and Zoning
Licenses & Permits
Solomon, Saltsman, & Jamieson has decades of experience working efficiently, effectively, and persuasively with municipal governments, community leaders, and law enforcement all over California and Oregon to obtain Discretionary Permits and Variances for our clients. We also are dedicated to acting forcefully and effectively to ensure that the rights of grandfathered uses are protected, and that the rights of permit-holders are not abrogated by cities suffering a sudden change of heart.
If you own or lease property, then you know how difficult it can be to hack through the jungles of bureaucratic red tape. So why not hire an experienced guide to cut through it all for you?
From Variances and Ordinances to Conditional Use Permits, Certificates of Occupancy, and other Discretionary Entitlements, Solomon, Saltsman, & Jamieson has decades of experience working efficiently, effectively, and persuasively with municipal governments, community leaders, and law enforcement all over California and Oregon to obtain Discretionary Permits and Variances for our clients. We also are dedicated to acting forcefully and effectively to ensure that the rights of grandfathered uses are protected, and that the rights of permit-holders are not abrogated by cities suffering a sudden change of heart.
While Zoning Ordinances usually govern the uses of particular pieces of land, there are several ways in which a determined land-owner can win an exception to these general rules. Landowners can obtain special permits (usually called Conditional Use Permits or Administrative Use Permits) which allow them to carry on otherwise-forbidden activities and businesses. For example, these permits are almost always required if you want to sell alcohol. These permits are usually granted by the local Zoning Administration or Planning Commission, and getting an application approved often requires significant documentation of the property in question, as well as obtaining the approval of local law enforcement and ensuring that locally influential people don’t oppose the project.
While these permits often come with strings attached (hence their name, “conditional” use permits), we will advocate to minimize the effect of these conditions on your business operations, or even argue to have conditions on an existing permit removed!
Another option is obtaining an exception from the zoning laws called a Variance. Variances are local legislative enactments which modify the zoning classification of individual properties.
Lastly, if your business, building or property has existed prior to the enactment of your location’s applicable zoning or permitting license, you may have the right to continue as you are! These are called “grandfathered” rights, and exist to prevent city governments from swooping in and passing new laws that suddenly outlaw already-existing businesses or buildings. If you are having problems with your local government and think you may have a grandfathered right in your business or building, call us so we can advise you effectively.
● Over 750 Conditional Use Permits (CUPs)
● Conducted over 1,600 Administrative Hearings
● Handled over 1,000 Administrative Appellate Hearings
● Supreme Court VICTORY: resulting in approx. 125 ABC cases Dismissed!
● $35 Million Verdict: Automobile Accident
● $7.57 Million Verdict: High School Sports Injury
● $6 Million Recovery: Bus Accident
● $2 Million Award: Train Accident
● $1 Million Recovery: Wrongful Death
● Judgment by Federal Court for 42,700 slot machines that were wrongfully withheld by the State of California.
● Compact Negotiations and Off-Reservation Gaming
● Internet and Card Clubs
● $3.56 Million Total Judgment: Wrongful Termination
● Consulted with over 1100 people: All Employment Issues