Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
Accidents, Serious Injury, Brain and Spinal Injury
Diffuse Axonal Injury (Brain Injury)
The damage from one of the most devastating types of traumatic brain injury, diffuse
axonal injury (DAI), covers a wider range than just focal brain injury. This type of brain
injury occurs when there is a massive amount of lesions in white matter tracts and is also a major cause of persistent vegetative state as well as unconsciousness after great head trauma. About half of the cases with severe head trauma include DAI and it also appears in moderate and mild brain injury cases.
Legal Claims for Serious Injurys
Individuals who have suffered a serious injury should consult with an attorney immediately to determine whether they can bring a lawsuit to recover for the damages that they have suffered as a result of the injury. The lawyers of Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson are experienced in obtaining multi-million dollar recoveries for individuals with serious injuries. Our attorneys are aware of the life-changing impact that a serious injury can have and may be able to assist you in filing a legal claim against the responsible entities or individuals.
Serious injuries can be caused by any of a variety of traumatic events, including car accidents, bus accidents, slip and fall injuries, fights and other altercations. It is often the case that such events are caused by the negligent, reckless, or even intentional acts of an individual or an entity. The attorneys of Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson vigorously pursue all available legal avenues to obtain a recovery from those responsible parties.
Legal action can help an injured individual recover for past medical bills, future medical care, lost income, emotional distress, and other damages. However, various time deadlines apply to legal actions for serious injuries, which is why immediately contacting an experienced lawyer is necessary.
The attorneys of Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson provide free consultations to individuals with injuries who are seeking legal representation. You may contact us at 1-800-405-4222 or [email protected].
● Over 750 Conditional Use Permits (CUPs)
● Conducted over 1,600 Administrative Hearings
● Handled over 1,000 Administrative Appellate Hearings
● Supreme Court VICTORY: resulting in approx. 125 ABC cases Dismissed!
● $35 Million Verdict: Automobile Accident
● $7.57 Million Verdict: High School Sports Injury
● $6 Million Recovery: Bus Accident
● $2 Million Award: Train Accident
● $1 Million Recovery: Wrongful Death
● Judgment by Federal Court for 42,700 slot machines that were wrongfully withheld by the State of California.
● Compact Negotiations and Off-Reservation Gaming
● Internet and Card Clubs
● $3.56 Million Total Judgment: Wrongful Termination
● Consulted with over 1100 people: All Employment Issues