Intertribal Court of Southern California Bar Association Accepts New Members from Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson
The Law Firm of Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson is proud to announce the acceptance by the Intertribal Court of Southern California Bar Association of Stephen Warren Solomon, Ralph B. Saltsman, Stephen Allen Jamieson, Bruce Evans, and Ryan Kroll. Each of these lawyers is now permitted to practice law before the Intertribal Court of Southern California.
The ICSC describes its mission as follows:
“Empowerment through the effective administration of equal justice for all”
The overall purpose of the ICSC is to provide members of the Native American community and their participating tribes with a cultural sensitive Judicial Forum in which to present and resolve disputes.
The ICSC is an Intertribal Court System, which works on a “circuit court” format whereby a Judge travels from one Reservation to the next presiding over assigned cases. Rulings are based on tribal laws, ordinances, customs and historical precedent. The ICSC provides court administration, court clerks, bailiffs, and case management. Tribal Court hearings are held at their respective Tribes’ Reservations.